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Research Axis 3: Development of new biomarkers and innovative personalized therapies
Thematic leaders: Mathilde Bonnet and Anthony Buisson
- Development of diagnostic tools.
- Identification of noninvasive biomarkers to diagnose AIEC-colonized CD patients.
- Predictive diagnosis of post-operative recurrence in CD patients, in relationship with AIEC status.
- Colibactin-producing E. coli as a pronostic marker in CRC.
- Development of therapeutic approaches.
- Impact of physical activity on microbiota composition and host susceptibility to pathobiont exposure in chronic diseases.
- Development of anti-FimH molecules to block AIEC adhesion to intestinal epithelium.
- Bacteriophages targeting AIEC.
- Antagonist effects of probiotics against pathogenic and pathobiont E. coli.
- Eradication of AIEC using antibiotherapy strategies.
- Inhibition of the genotoxic action of the pks genomic island, which encodes the colibactin.
- Develop global and/or more focused approaches based on specific bacterial virulent factors identified.
Research thematics
- Research axis 1: Virulence and antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli pathobionts involved in chronic intestinal diseases
- Research axis 2: Host responses to infection by E. coli pathobionts involved in chronic intestinal pathologies
- Research axis 3: Development of new biomarkers and innovative personalized therapies
In the same section
Research thematics
- Research axis 1: Virulence and antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli pathobionts involved in chronic intestinal diseases
- Research axis 2: Host responses to infection by E. coli pathobionts involved in chronic intestinal pathologies
- Research axis 3: Development of new biomarkers and innovative personalized therapies
- Published