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Members of the M2iSH Unit are involved in teaching at Licence and Master levels. The M2iSH Unit comprises 15 permanent researchers with teaching duties, ATER and PhD students working as teaching assistants.
We teach bacteriology, parasitology, molecular and cellular biology, immunology, biochemistry, gastroenterology, oncology and internal medicine at the IUT and medicine and pharmacy faculties of University of Auvergne, for a total of more than 2500 hours per year.

The researchers, engineers and post-doc fellows of the M2iSH Unit regularly take part in training courses as part-time teachers.

Nicolas Barnich (192 annual hours)

  • Teaching of microbiology to students in 1st and 2nd year of IUT (ABB) as lectures, TD and TP ;
  • Educational Responsibility of ABB2 2nd year, IUT (2008-2012) ;
  • Responsibility of the professional license "Etude moléculaire, cellulaire et intégrée des molécules bioactives" (2012-2015).

Elisabeth Billard (192 annual hours)

  • Teaching of immunology to students in 1st and 2nd year of IUT (ABB and Diet) as lectures, TD and TP.

Mathilde Bonnet (192 annual hours)

  • Teaching of cellular biology and anatomopatholgy to students in 1st and 2nd year of IUT (ABB) as lectures, TD and TP ;
  • Teaching of dermatology and cosmetics to students in the professional license "Etude moléculaire, cellulaire et intégrée des molécules bioactives” as lectures and TP ;
  • Educational Responsibility of ABB2 2nd year, IUT (2012-2015) ;
  • Responsibility of the professional license "Etude moléculaire, cellulaire et intégrée des molécules bioactives" (Since 2015) ;
  • International relation teaching of biology to Chinese students in Université d’Auvergne.

Richard Bonnet (~90h annual hours)

  • Teaching of bacteriobiology to students in life sciences and medical degrees as lectures

Delphine Boucher (192 annual hours)

  • Teaching of microbiology to students in 1st and 2nd year of IUT (ABB) as lectures

Guillaume Dalmasso (192 annual hours)

  • Teaching of molecular biology and bacteriology to students 2nd year of IUT (ABB), medical students and Masters as lectures, TD and TP.

Julien Delmas (192 annual hours)

  • Teaching of bacteriobiology to students in life sciences and medical degrees as lectures
  • Teaching of medical bacteriology to students in the professional license "Diagnistic Biomédical” as lectures

Jérémy Denizot (192 annual hours)

  • Teaching in Microbiology and Cell biology 1st and 2nd years of DUT "Génie Biologique".

Valerie Livrelli (192 annual hours)

  • Educational Responsibility and Teaching of Parasitology to 3rd year of Pharmacy students, and 3rd year students in Licence, as lectures, TD and TP
  • Teaching to 4th and 5th year Pharmacy students for National Internship ranking examination
  • Teaching to Interns in Parasitology, Hospital Laboratory
  • Co -Educational Responsibility “Master Nutrition Santé Aliments” since 2000.
  • Educational Responsibility and Teaching in Master 1st year courses “Flore Intestinale Nutrition et Immunité” and “Microbiologie et sécurité des aliments”

Frédéric Robin (192h annual hours)

  • Teaching of bacteriobiology to students in life sciences and medical degrees as lectures